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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Charity Quilts 2017 Goal Reached!!

As the busy times will soon start with Christmas only a few weeks away, I finally found the time to finish my Charity Quilt Goal for this year.

In January I resolved to make 12 quilts for charity and I have accomplished this goal.  So glad to contribute to Victoria's Quilts and local organizations in my area.

Here's a Coin quilt.  I had never heard of this quilt style before.  It was suggested to me by one of the quilt guild ladies. I really enjoyed it and once again it consumed those bits of fabric that might otherwise not have been used.  There were 2 methods of putting these pieces together.  One was by sewing 2 1/2" x WOF strips together - about 5 strips seems a good number.  Then cut into 6 1/12" segments.  When there weren't any long enough strips of fabric, I sewed shorts pieces together and that worked as well.  Just remember to straight the work as you go.  Things can go wonky otherwise :)

I'm calling this quilt Rectangles within Rectangles.
This quilt's blocks are 6 1/2" x 10 " unfinished.  No chain sewing here!!  The fabric was from my stash - mostly pinks and blues, but it seemed to work.
 Now to ponder my projects for next year.......